

We want people and their objectives to be at the center of the experiences we design. We do not want to design experiences centered on selling and diverting people's attention. We want our business model to be aligned with our mission.

If you like what we're doing, we'd love your support. We are in alpha, so we appreciate patience as we explore and design our pricing in a way that's transparent and aligned.

Choose Your Journey

Both paths are designed to provide a great experience.

Free Spirit illustration

Free Spirit

Basic Themes

Light, dark & custom

Basic Intelligence

or bring your own API key

Local Surf

Surf on your device

Believer Edition illustration

Early Believer

Support Development

Help the team and support the future of Surf

Believer Themes & Art

Limited and handcrafted

Surf Smart

Premium AI models with higher limits


Save anything across devices (now)

Faster content processing (soon)

Cloud features & sharing (coming)

handcrafted in the heart of Berlin